Wisdom Tooth Melbourne

Wisdom Tooth Dentistry

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Removing Wisdom Teeth Reduces Discomfort and Pain

One of the third molars in the permanent dentition is called wisdom teeth. These teeth are at the most posterior of the dental arch. Some people do not develop these teeth but many have it. There are possibilities of having more than four wisdom teeth. For some people, the wisdom teeth do not emerge out of the gums. Though the tooth does not emerge out there may be some pressure under the gingival tissue. These cause discomfort and pain where removing wisdom teeth are necessary. To assess the angle of eruption and development of the tooth, a panoramic radiography is necessary.

Painful Wisdom Tooth: Meet the Dentist

Wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 16 to 25. If this tooth emerges without any other tooth interruption, it can be retained. Brushing, flossing and cleaning this tooth thoroughly may not cause any problem in the future. If there is any problem with this tooth, meeting a dentist is very necessary. The dentist may suggest some modification of the surrounding tissue or some oral hygiene habits. There are problems of biting if there is swelling in the gums. Brushing the teeth in different direction and flossing reduces gingivitis. But sometimes extraction of the wisdom teeth is inevitable.

Extraction Is the Only Solution

The wisdom tooth may emerge at a wrong angle. Cleaning the adjacent molar becomes difficult. There are chances of periodontal pockets, gum diseases or recession around the adjacent molar. Removing wisdom teeth is the only option before the other molar is damaged. The eruption may cause jaw pain, headache and tooth pain. They are in the posterior position and are difficult to keep it clean. There are chances of them to get decayed. If the teeth emerge partially, it causes inflammation or infection.  Extraction is the only solution rather than root canals, filling or crowns.

The pinning pain forces the patient to meet the dentist. The dentist takes an x-ray to know the correct position of the wisdom tooth. If extraction is suggested then only a qualified dentist can do it. Local anaesthesia is administered to make sure of not much pain.

For some people, sedation is advised to bring down their anxiousness. Tissue and bone around the tooth are removed. Some stitches are required to close the tissue to be healed. These stitches may be dissolvable or are removed after healing. It takes almost five days for the healing of the surgery site. There is slight bleeding in the surgery place.

After the surgery, there is jaw stiffness and pain. The patient feels difficulty in opening the mouth. The dentist prescribes some painkillers post operation. This pain medication reduces the discomfort and pain. Some patients require antibiotics to avoid any infection post-surgery. After removing wisdom teeth the patient has to eat soft foods. Tobacco, spicy foods, and alcohol are avoided after surgery for three days. Brushing is done gently after the surgery. To avoid infection rinse the mouth with salt water, after meals, and before bedtime. Wisdomteeth dentist has expert dentists in wisdom tooth removal. They diagnose the problem and suggest the best way to be out of pain.